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Sphynx cattery

Vandvis Love In Glove aka Ama (retired / spayed)

Color: Black & White
Birthday: 01.11.2008
Sir: QGC Cozmel Earling of Vandvis
Dam: QGC Classicalcats Amaunet of Vandvis
Breeder: Violetta Belyanskaya (Russia)
Owner: Natalia Khokhlova
Pedigree HCM

Myerssphynx Little Pixie Kitty Chloe (retired / spayed)

Color: Black Tortie
Birthday: 15.07.2005
Sir: Mysto Soprano Aka Mystic Eyes
Dam: Hadakat Min Yow
Breeder: Monique Myers (USA)
Owner: Natalia Khokhlova
Pedigree HCM

Skinydipnsphynx Cricket of Talialida

Color: Black Tortie
Birthday: 23.01.2008
Dam: Dalilahsden The Lady of The Forest Bella
Sir: Myerssphynx Sscott Bald Beauty Kojak
Breeder: Leona Rorick (USA)
Owner: Natalia Khokhlova
Pedigree HCM

Talialida Fabby Nod (retired / spayed)

Color: Black Tortie
Birthday: 07.05.2010
Sir: Skinydipnsphynx Sawyer of Talialida
Dam: Vandvis Love in Glove aka Ama
Breeder: Natalia Khokhlova
Owner: Natalia Khokhlova

Talialida Merry Mood (retired / spayed)

Color: Blue-Cream & White
Birthday: 10.07.2010
Sir: Lestats Legacy
Dam: Merloni Lilian Brigt Splash
Breeder: Natalia Khokhlova
Owner: Natalia Khokhlova

Dalilahsden The Lady of The Forest Bella (retired / spayed)

Color: Red Classic Tabby
Birthday: 11.08.2005
Sir: Mysto Soprano Aka Mystic Eyes
Dam: Petitslutins Ms Blondie La Roux
Breeder: Lee Nuss
Owner: Natalia Khokhlova
Pedigree HCM

Talialida Juniper Berry

Color: Black Tortie & White
Birthday: 07.05.2011
Sir: Vandvis Marshmallow
Dam: Talialida Fabby Nod
Breeder: Natalia Khokhlova
Owner: Natalia Khokhlova

Talialida Her Majesty Night Fly (retired / spayed)

Color: Black Tortie
Birthday: 13.04.2011
Sir: Lestats Legacy
Dam: Vandvis Love in Glove aka Ama
Breeder: Natalia Khokhlova
Owner: Natalia Khokhlova

Talialida Poupoupidou

Color: red
Birthday: 08.10.2012
Sir: Lestats Legacy
Dam: Skinydipnsphynx Cricket
Breeder: Natalia Khokhlova
Owner: Natalia Khokhlova

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Natalia Khokhlova